Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Acting and Faith

I have started to read Elder Bednar's book Increase in learning.  And in it he talks a lot about action and faith. It made me realize that that is why I love this blog so much.  As I have posted I never knew what I was going to write in advanced, I simply acted on faith. As I wrote I learned, writing gave the Holy Ghost the opportunity to teach me.  I feel we all had this same experience when wrote on the blog.  So I got this idea. What if each week or so we all read a conference talk or had a subject assigned to read about, and then we post what we learn from it and questions we found.  I feel that this will give us increased opportunity to act because we will have an assignment to do.  I realized from Bednar that we truly increase in learning when it becomes ours.  Take math for an example.  Has anyone noticed that you can't learn math until you actually do it.  You can see you teacher do all the problems it the world. But it is not until you act and do the  hours of homework, that you actually learn it.  This is because when you do the math homework it becomes yours.  From doing those seemingly ridiculos hours of algebra it has become mine.  Its not something someone made up, it is something that I did, that is apart of me.  I feel this same principle will apply to us if we start unitedly reading the conference talk or studying whatever, the words of the prophets will become our words as we strive to teach it to each other and question it with each other.  In the comment section of the blog I have learned a lot as others have added to what I or others have said, because it builds on the principle and helps me to act, by seeking to understand better, thus fore making the words mine.

So I hope you all consider this and give me some feed back on it.  If you want to do it or not or how you want to do it and then we can go from there.  Make sure you comment because we're expecting everyone to participate so we are expecting everyone to comment on how they want to do it.  So we can best do this to make the most out of this blog we can.
-fo cheesial my nizzle


  1. I completely agree with you. I think as we try and put our spiritual impressions and feelings in to words it gives the spirit another opportunity to teach us. Its weird because on one hand I feel like things make so much more sense in my head and I feel like an idiot when I try to put things into words. On the other hand I learn so much when I do it. I also believe that being able to put your spiritual thoughts into words is a talent that can help to build the kingdom of God and as a family if we develop this talent missionary opportunities will increase.
    I'm all for your plan. I don't know the best way to go about it. It maybe would be nice to have a different person kind of be in charge each time to get it going. I counted there are 32 differenrt talks so we can't get through each talk before the next conference. So either we could each pick one to study,we could just do the 12 apostles and the women, or we could do 2 per week. Whichever it is I'm game because I need to learn from you guys. As I say all the time I'm not sure how in the world I ended up in this family and sometimes I feel dumb posting but it gives me wonderful experience and I learn a ton.

  2. Karen you are so right! And you never sound stupid and your post help me a lot. But we all need to discus how we are going to do this. I personally like the idea of having one person in charge each time to pick the talk. And I'm good with every week but I know everyone else has busier schedulers. But I must point out that if we do it to often I don't think it gives people a chance to think about it and do it. But on the other hand if we space it out to much I think people will forget about it and it will become forgotten. So I think everyone needs to post what will work for them and them we can plan it off of that.

  3. You took the words right out of my PJ. I think once a week will be good timing for a good discussion to take place. The next question is how we decide who's in charge each week. -TNT
    ps thanks for keeping this going Cheese

  4. pss I am singing tenor in the ward choir on Sunday.What were they thinking?

  5. I know confining you to a choir!? Don't they know your voice is too good to mix with others. your a solo artist.
