Saturday, June 14, 2014

I love this family!

So today is one of those days where I just sit here amazed trying to figure out how in the world did I get to marry into this perfect family. I love you all so much and am grateful for your examples to me. Apart from the Savior I cannot think of anyone who exemplifies unconditional love like the Tidwells. You’re acceptance of everyone and desire to see people for the potential they have inspires me daily not to mention the way you all make me laugh nonstop. Thanks Randy and Rolinda for the children you’ve raised and the examples you are.
-Special K 

I will bring a fresh batch of cookies to whoever comes up with the best conversation bubble for this photo.

 Rumor has it that poncho is made from real llama fur.

                                    Nothing beats a good lesson on fire safety from Geoff


  1. Caption for the first photo…
    "So this little piggy had roast beef?"

  2. okay jeff that is unfair we all know you asked shannon what we were talking about in the picture
