Sunday, November 3, 2013

A great year

Yesterday I went to the temple.  I had a thought in my mind, how many of the people around me in the temple, turn down callings.   I know there are more than I could emagian.  I was told that it is the strength of there conversion.  When a calling is given, they look at it as a responsibility, not a opportunity of growth that it really is.  They also look at it as a calling from a bishop, not from a Heavenly Father who knows our needs and the needs of others we can effect.  We may not be in a calling that is needed by anyone else but for our growth.  We may also be in a calling that will just save one person.  I want all my children, and Grandchildren to know that God knows us. He knows our strengths and weaknesses and will give us challenges to progress.  The callings we receive, and the challenges we face in this world, are there for our benefit, not to punish us or beat us down.   We will not have any challenge in our life that we can't do, or that is more than we can overcome.   We can also know that Our Savior is with us, holding us up and sometimes carrying us.   At the beginning of this year, I felt like this was going to be a great year.  In this time, I have had more pain than I ever have had in my life.  It has been frustrating to me, but in this time, I have found a closer relationship with my Father.  I know the times when I have had bad times with pain that I didn't think I could get through, I felt his hand in my life helping me get through it.  Because of that, I don't pray to have this gone.  I know he will take care of that when the time comes.  This has been one of the hardest years in my life, but it is a great year because of the testimony that I have received through it.   I now know I can do hard things.   Always face problems not feeling sorry for ourselves, ( I do have a few episodes of that) but remember that This life is for growth not just to be easy.   Remember that Our Savior went through more than us.  We are not greater than he is.  We all need the challenges to make us strong.  Alway fact them in that attitude.  we will be better when we pass through them.   This has  been my Year and a Great one.  I am so proud to be the Parent of such amazing Children and Grandchildren. You are my Reward for any good I have done.   Thank you all for your strength and wisdom.      

Papa Tid

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