Monday, November 25, 2013

Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee..

A long time ago, okay, it seems like a long time ago but let's be real here; I haven't hit 30 yet so it wasn't that long ago when I was in the MTC. I had two wonderful companions, one of whom is now in MoTab and she's incredible. She's the one I want to talk about for a minute. One Sunday night at our weekly MTC fireside/devotional she sang this very song. I had heard this hymn before but I had never felt such a strong spirit as when she sang it that night. I love the first verse:
Jesus the very thought of thee
What sweetness fills my breast
But sweeter far thy face to see
And in thy presence rest
The second verse is also one of my favorites;
Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame,
Nor can the mem'ry find
A sweeter sound than thy blest name,
O Savior of mankind!
I'm sure we all have a hymn or perhaps have felt the Spirit impress upon our minds and hearts a reminder of how much we love the Savior at some point in our lives. It may have been a Primary song, an EFY song (those always make Tyler get emotional ;) ), or maybe just listening to a hymn can cause us to have a reaffirmation of our testimony. That night was one of those moments for me in the MTC. I can't hear that song without feeling that same strong spirit I felt when my sweet MTC companion sang it. It reminds me how even thinking of our Savior can bring a certain spirit into our lives, our words become kinder, our actions become more meaningful, and it truly fills our minds and hearts with a peace, sweetness, and longing to meet our Savior and find rest with Him in the presence of our Heavenly Father. I can't think of Pres. Faust without connecting him to "This is the Christ" and Pres. Hinckley to " My Redeemer Lives." Music has a powerful influence and we are blessed to have hymns that can bring a sweet reminder to us of our love for our Heavenly Father and the Savior especially when we are in need of said reminder.
Switching gears a little bit as I was reading in Mosiah this week I love Mosiah but I enjoyed Chapter five a little more this time. Maybe I'm in need of something and found whatever my soul was hungering for in its verses. I love the reminder we have that we are made free and offered the granted the gift of salvation because we have made covenants and will be found at the right hand of God based on our obedience of course. I can't forget this simple phrase in verse 12 that I need to remember as I go through life each day.
" Retain the name written always in your hearts."
Going back to the effects of the hymn that I love so dearly because it awakens my spirit to a remembrance of my love for the Savior, is it His name written in my heart? I surely believe that it is though sometimes if one were to  look it may be slightly faded as I do err daily. I want you all to know I do have a testimony of our Savior, of the power of His example, the Atonement, and of His love for each of us.  Love you guys, hopefully my jumbled thoughts make some sense :)
Kelly Kelly

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking how awesome the Christmas time is lately. I've come to the conclusion that Christmas is so great because everybody thinks of Christ a little more. That is why during the Christmas time people are more loving and giving, even if they don't realize it they think of Christ a little more during the Christmas season. I'm so glade you posted this Kelly Kelly. This was really awesome to my eyes.
