Sunday, November 24, 2013

His Peace

     I've dreaded these past four months since Travis started school 3 1/2 years ago. I mean come on it’s no secret that I am CUH-RAZY about that 6’1” tower of awesomeness and being away from him sounded miserable. (I don’t know how you all can be away from him on a regular basis) And while yes I would never in a million years choose to be apart this long I think I will cherish the things I've learned in the past few months forever. I could write a million posts about everything I've learned but I think a 4 word sermon could sum up the most important thing Go to the temple! Well ok you guys know I can’t say anything in just 4 words so I’ll expound a little bit.

    When Travis started school we made a goal to get to the temple every month. I’ve watched as this goal has helped us have a more eternal perspective on this whole med school experience which in turn has taken away so much potential stress.  Well I thought I would be exempt from this goal during these months he was away. I told myself Karen you have 4 kids a nursing baby a two hour drive to the closest temple and no husband. You’re excused for these 4 months. However the spirit said “um… haven’t you learned anything about the peace the temple brings, you need the temple now more than ever. “ So I put my faith in the Lord that if I kept my goal of monthly attendance a way would be provided. Somehow each month it has continued to happen and I have once again been reminded that in this gospel there really is no such thing as a sacrifice because we are “unprofitable servants” and every attempt we make to sacrifice something, the blessings will come back a hundred fold.
President Monson has said that “ As we go to the holy house, as we remember the covenants we make therein, we will be able to bear every trial and overcome each temptation. The temple provides purpose for our lives. It brings peace to our souls.” I have felt that peace carry me through what I thought was going to be a huge trial for me. As I have seen my bond with Travis only grow stronger I have been reminded that the only true way to strengthen our relationship with our spouse is to strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ.

     In the Lectures on Faith Joseph Smith outlined the three things necessary to understand our relationship with God in order to exercise Faith in him they are “First; a knowledge that God exists second ;correct ideas of his character, perfections and attributes and third that the course we are pursuing is according to his mind and will”. I don’t think anything helps to accomplish those three things and in turn strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ more than the temple. It testifies of him, teaches us about him and his true nature and shows us how to become like him.

     So much of the temple from the outside of the building to the baptistery to the endowment is symbolic. I think I’ve always thought that symbols must have 1 specific meaning that I’m supposed to figure out.  This last time I finally came to a realization that that is not true. There is not some test I’ll ever take to figure out what all the symbols mean. What I’m supposed to be learning is whatever the spirit teaches me that day and use it to draw closer to Christ with the understanding it may be something completely new and different next time. We’re so used to a specific set of correct answers that it becomes easy to over think the gospel and the temple. I think the purpose of symbolism is to take a normal object or sign and find out how it testifies of Jesus Christ and then bring that mentality out into the world. Look at the general authorities and how they are able to use almost everything from sports, street signs, jobs, sickness, art projects, planes and even pickles to find symbolism in to help bring them closer to God.  I believe that is a result of the training they receive in the temple that all things good testify of the Savior.  

     I have felt the spirit of the temple in my life and experienced the peace it brings. It is the ultimate pure form of service beside parenthood that we have to offer. It is the one place as Elder Bednar puts that “we more completely and fully take upon us the name of Jesus Christ.” It is where we find His peace to get us through whatever awaits us outside its walls. 

1 comment:

  1. So I just saw this article on the church website. I wish I would have seen it sooner and I could have just posted this instead of my blog post!
    Special K
