Friday, November 8, 2013


Here's a little philosophical food for thought. :)

A few weeks ago I took my niece to a fireside where Sheri Dew was the main speaker. At one point in her talk she briefly mentioned how we should all be on a quest to become more pure--more pure in the way we dress, the things we say, the things we read, watch, and listen to etc.--then she moved on to other topics.

I was struck by the word pure and pondered it for a while after the talk was over. After pondering I discovered why I was so intrigued by Sister Dew's word choice. I usually think in terms of "good" or "bad" when I'm deciding whether to watch, listen to, read, wear, or say something. This is problematic though because so many things are a combination of good and bad. I usually deem something "good" if the uplifting and true parts in it outweigh the negative and false parts of it, and something is "bad" if the opposite is true.

But what would happen if I started thinking in terms of purity instead? Something can only be pure, by definition, if it is completely untainted. It cannot be a mix of good and bad parts. It has to be all one or the other. Purity is such a clear standard. It is easy to decide if something is pure or not--much easier than determining if something is good.

Striving to participate in and surround myself and my family with only pure things is such an inspiring, and incredibly difficult, goal. But I think I'm going to go for it.

Your devoted fan,


1 comment:

  1. Sara I think we all feel that we are surrounded by something pure whenever we're in your presence I love you!
