Thursday, November 7, 2013

Tender Mercies

In Elizabeth Smart's book, My Story, she tells of a time when something had happened, when her captures had been down in the city, that made them extra nervous to go down to the stream, their only water source up in the mountains. They tried to ration the water, but of course, it soon ran out. They had gone a day without water, and Elizabeth was hot and miserable. Night came, and she fell asleep. Something woke her up, she looked around and there, right next to her pillow, was a yellow cup, full of cold water. She wondered where it had come from, it obviously wasn't from her captures, there was none in their camp. The only explanation was that it was a tender mercy from God. Why would He do it though, she asked herself. She wasn't going to die, her captures wouldn't have let it go that far. It was God showing her that He loved her, he wouldn't leave her. No, He couldn't take away her captures agency, but He could comfort her, He could lift her with His tender mercies. God loves each of us so much, and blesses each of us with tender mercies. They may not be as obvious as finding a yellow cup of water by our pillow, but they help us through our trials just as much. I know that God lives and will not leave us comfortless.
Brielle Emily 

1 comment:

  1. Brielle that was beautiful! It's amazing how much the agency of others can affect us but what a beautiful reminder that even through the agency of others we can still feel the love of the Savior in our lives. I loved this and needed this!
