Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blessed by the Service of Others

I can't hide it from anyone, I didn't really watch Conference this time around. Jenna was passing out snacks and I'm pretty sure I missed every single one. Maybe I'll post on Conference later when I get my thoughts all sorted out. We've been very blessed, almost an overwhelming amount by the people in our ward, and within our little LDS student community out here in Iowa. Everyone has offered to help as I've transitioned to having two kids and with my mom dislocating her knee cap plus my C-section recovery it's been interesting to say the least. My friends and of course Karen come and take Landon so I can just lay around all day like a bum which I am very grateful for. We were showered with offers of dinner, friends brought meals, freezer meals, and took Landon for a few hours or more to play. Karen carried Landon upstairs so I wouldn't have to make the extra trip and put him down for a nap. I think of the Savior often as I am blessed by the service others have offered me. I can feel his love for me and my little family as I see others doing as He would do. I am reminded of the scripture in Joshua 24:15 which says, "...choose you this day whom ye will serve..but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." I know that those who are even now still offering the great gift of service have chosen to serve the Lord because they are doing as He would do if He was here right now. He would succor those that are in need, and do things for me that used to be so simple like pick Landon up and carry him around when he needs to be. I usually have a hard time receiving any kind of service from others and it is only now not being able to do everything I used to that I have truly been humbled and blessed by the great love my friends and family have for the Savior, and my family.

Kelly Kelly :)

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