Monday, October 14, 2013

Just a note to say...

Last night as I was reading my scriptures I realized how great this blog is. I was reading in 2 Nephi 27 where it talks about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. That story is like this blog. None of us are professional writers and we are all on different writing levels, yet in all of the blog post that I have read I have felt the Spirit very strongly. As The Lord says in verse 29 He can do his own work. meaning he can get the spirit across all you need to do is take the leap of faith and post what you are lead to do. Now this being said others have posted on the blog things that I really needed to hear at that time. The fight with sin is real and what you say could be the means to preventing your brother and sister from falling or to help them get up. Remember by small and simple things doth The Lord confound the wise. So please do not be afraid to post on the Blog I or one of your other siblings will need you in the future and how great will be your joy if you are the means The Lord works through to  help your brothers and sisters. So Please! Post no matter how short and simple it is. Even if it is just a quote you liked. You dont have to even sign your name if your worried about people judging you (which they won't).
    Thank you Travis for following the inspiration to start this blog it has helped me come closer to the Savior and to my family.


  1. Also, before I wrote this I had no idea what I was going to say I just knew I needed to right it. And although I am weak in writing I know when you read these post the spirit will be will you. But we need to take the first step. Just getting on the computer with the determination to wright will show The Lord your willingness to be an instrument in his hands. remember its not what you say its what the spirit will say through you

    1. Amen brother(or sister?) One of the biggest obstacles I had to over come to get this blog going was that I always have such a hard time getting out what is in my heart. I had the idea for this blog several months before I finally got the courage to start it. I have never been able to adequately express myself whether it be in spoken word or writing and I would always feel stupid after I tried because it never would come out right. Then I remembered that I was in good company with Moses, Nephi, Jacob, Moroni and Joseph Smith all great prophets who struggled with either speaking or writing at some point in their ministry. Like you said it is the spirit that counts not the actual words we speak/write and this blog is something we all need.
