Sunday, October 27, 2013

God Bless the USA

      60+ hours of driving across 11 states without anyone in the passenger seat gives you lots of time to think.  As I prepared for this trip I kept checking on the government shutdown to see if all the sights we were going to would be opened. To be totally honest I was a little frustrated that my trip was going to be limited because the politicians of this country couldn't get along. I think in general over the last few years part of my patriotism to this country has been a little tainted by all the never ending fighting in Washington.

     Well that all changed this last week as I was reminded that this land truly has been blessed by the hand of God to bring forth his gospel. As I drove through the Appalachian Mountains in full autumn bloom I was reminded that all things beautiful testify of Christ. As we walked the streets of New York City I asked Grace “can you believe that Jesus knows and loves EVERY single one of these people?” In Philadelphia I was reminded how little I know about the founding fathers and their yet I could feel the spirit testifying that they did in that very room of Independence Hall was guided by the Holy Ghost.

      In D.C. I took the kids to see “THE Star Spangled Banner” (the flag that hung over Fort McHenry and inspired Francis Scott Key to write the National Anthem) It was there that I was reminded that even the fighting that takes place in Washington is a sign of the Lords hand in this country. It was the bombs bursting in air that gave proof to Francis Key that the flag was still there. As long as there was fighting going on he knew we were still a country. I thought of how that applies to us now. As long as there are differences of opinions that are allowed to be spoken we are still a free nation. As crazy as it sounds the constant fighting is proof of our freedom and agency in this blessed country.

      The other thing that struck me from the anthem that I’d never noticed before was that it ends in a question mark. “Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave or’ the land of the free and the home of the brave?  “  It reminded me of a quote from Thomas Jefferson “ the price of freedom is eternal vigilance”  Every time we hear the National Anthem we should be asking ourselves are we being “the brave” and doing our part to preserve the freedoms we enjoy in this beautiful country.
      I’m not a really political person and I cringe when I hear a talk that mentions how we as Latter day Saints need to be more involved in the political process.  I’m easily swayed, I just go with whoever seems nicest, I think people should just all be left alone and I’ll lose any debate I ever enter so I just stay out of it. I learned this week what I need to do to do my part.  It’s the same pattern as the gospel. I need to recognize the Lords hand in all things, learn the history of those who have gone before me, appreciate what already exists while finding ways to make it better and finally making that happen with the guidance of prayer.

       I feel like this trip really helped me on my path to recognizing the Lords hand in this country. The landscape, the people, the history and even the politics! It all testifies of our Savior and I am so blessed to be a part of it!  -Special K

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