Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Trust the Lord

  I am so grateful for life, the ups and downs and all! I feel like over the past couple of years I have been asked to do "hard things". It would be cake walk for the rest of you but for me I have really had the opportunity to learn to trust the Lord.

  When I got called to teach Gospel Principles, I asked the Bishop 5 times before I left if he was joking. Then when I would pray and think about it, I got kind of excited when my answer was "weak things will become strong". I was excited because I was going to become a great teacher and no longer afraid to speak in front of people. Well, that never happened. I did become stronger in my trust in the Lord and my love of the scriptures grew and I learned more of how much  Heavenly Father loves his children and He did bless me to love those I taught. 

  I am grateful for each day Heavenly Father gives us to learn and grow. I can see the wisdom in hard things more and more. I know the Lord speaks peace to our souls even in the hour of the hardest trial, if we let Him. I am grateful for prayer. And I KNOW a loving Father in Heaven hears and answers prayers!! Sometimes when I pray He refers me to Jacob 4:10. And when I take counsel from Him wonderful things happen and His arm is revealed.

  In conference I learned to work hard to strengthen my testimony and help others to do the same. "You must become the rock the river cannot wash away" Richard J Maynes. 

Love you all!


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