Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Drink It and Be Strong

 "If the bitter cup does not pass, drink it and be strong, trusting in happier days ahead"  This was said by Jeffery R. Holland in this last Conference. I after reading Kelly K.'s post and talking about Alma's people being brought into bondage in seminary, have been thinking a lot about adversity.  Alma's people even thought they were living righteously were brought into heavy slavery even to the point that they were not allowed to pray. But God made this Covent with them that if they endure their trial with cheerfulness and faith in Him that He would eventually bring them out of bondage and that until that day He would make them STRONG so that they could lift their burden. God also makes this promise to us. And remember in Mosiah chapter 26 Alma (and probably countless of his people) were promised Eternal life. One of the many blessings of trials is that they are the way The Lord tunes us to be the kind of person worthy and fit for the Kingdom of God.  Jeffery R. Holland also told another story in some conference which I could not find so I will just summarize. ( if anyone knows which one it is I would greatly appreciate it if you would post it in the comments section) He Told the story of when He was a young father and was moving his family across the country to go to graduate school.  They had almost no money and were running on fumes of faith. On their way across the country their car broke down twice and Holland had to walk for miles to the nearest town to get help. Holland said that as he drives by the place where he broke down he often see's that young family broken down at the side of the road and wishes he could tell that young frustrated father not to give up and to tell him of the many years of happiness ahead and how this time of trial will be as a small moment compared to the happiness of the future.  I feel that if we all look back on our past trials we will see how small they seem to our happiness we have had and how much better they had made us.  Like Kelly K. said it is in the times of our trials that we see the love of God the most. So I hope we can all remember that when we go through our next, because even in my short 18 years of life I have learned that trails don't stop coming so we need to ALWAYS rely on our Heavenly Father.

 Thank you Kelly K. for your post it really meant a lot to me at that time. I am grateful for all of you and I really do love you guys and I'm grateful for your examples. This weekend when I was hunting with Josh I realized how blessed I was to be one of the younger kids.(sorry guys) I have so many great examples in my life who are so willing to show me the way by their example. I know that this Church is the true church of God and we are truly blessed to know who are Father is. 
-Cheesy McNeilis


  1. The talk by Elder Holland is "An High Priest of Good Things to Come" November 1999. Its a must read and there is a mormon message that goes with it. I love you!

  2. It's funny that you mention looking up to the older kids as examples. I am certain that I speak for each of us in saying that your example is far more than we could offer. Karen and I used to always talk about your determination and focus and that we knew one day it would be turned towards the Gospel and that amazing things would come of it. Well, the first glimpse that I saw of that was when you bore your testimony about your experience at trek. I remember smiling and thinking to myself "here it comes"; and that is exactly what happened. Now with this blog we are all blessed to see you transform right before our eyes into a soldier in the army of the Lord. Your are going to be an amazing missionary as long as you hold onto that faith that you have attained in these last several months as times get harder as they surely will because the Lord chastens those He loves. Thank you for your example and thank you for making this blog so much more than I ever expected it to be. I am so blessed to have you as a brother.
    - Dynomite
    P.S. When did you and Aaron get married?
