Saturday, October 12, 2013

Live in the world and not of the world

As I listened to the radio and hear all the things that are going on in the world if can build up a fear.  I don't so much for myself, but for my kids and grandchildren.  As I listened to conference, my notes were all about how to protect ourselves from the influences in the world.  We have that protection as we listen to the words of our Prophets and not just think how we felt then, but we need to put them into our lives.  We all need to act.  Or as Jenna puts it to become.  I learned we need to have added Scripture study and prayer.  We need to be able to say that Our Savior is our friend.   We have to be like minded in this.  As I was reading this morning i read 9 A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.
10 I have confidence in you through the Lord, that ye will be none otherwise minded: but he that troubleth you shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be.   (Galatians 5:9-10  As I read this I thought how we can influence people just like leaven, we can effect others for good or bad.   We will be judged for how not only what we do to ourselves, but how we effect others.   To be protected we need to live in the spirit at all times.  We need to be guided in all we do to have the protection of the spirit. We need to make the promise that President Monson has made, to never ignore the promptings of the spirit.  We all need to take the noise out of our lives to be able to hear.  Another thing I learned was to look at our aflictions as a way to gruth, not a punishment.   I think about the pain I feel now, and I am greatful for it because it alway keeps me thinking about my Savior.   I don't pray for it to be taken from me because of that reminder to me.   I do sometimes pray for a little break from it and it has been lifted many times from me to let me rest.    That is another mirical in my life.   Live in the spirit and serve our Father and our brother and sisters.   This Gospel is the strength to get us through trouble times.       Father of the Blogg master

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