Monday, October 14, 2013

"I know that He loveth His children!"

Amen to all that has already been shared. Thank you for the examples you are to me. Your testimonies strengthen mine.
This General Conference has caused me to contemplate many things, and I am grateful. The thought that keeps coming back to me comes from 1Nephi 11:17. I agree with Nephi, "I know that He loveth His children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things."
Before returning home from serving in beautiful North Carolina I had planned what I want to be and what I need to do to become that. After being home for a few weeks I realized I hadn't fully lived up to that plan. I felt like I was failing The Lord in many ways. In preparing for General Conference, I prayed that these feelings would leave me and that I would be able to get back up and be what He needs me to be.
Conference was wonderful and ALL of it was inspired, but there was a moment when I truly felt my prayer was answered. Elder Scott said The Lord sees weaknesses different than rebellion. He always treats weakness with mercy. It wasn't so much what was said, but the Spirit testifying to me that it was true. I knew that this applies to me. The Lord is merciful! All of us have weaknesses. That is why we have been provided a Savior, Jesus Christ. I will praise His name forever. Because of His Atoning sacrifice we can overcome our weaknesses. One of my favorite scriptures is Ether 12:27 (in the Book of Mormon- a MUST read),  this scripture reminds us why we have weaknesses and how we can overcome them. I am a believer of applying what I learn. I have been shown many of my weaknesses so now I need to apply what the Prophets have taught that I need to do to fortify. As I have been praying about this I have felt more love from my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and the sweet companionship of the Holy Ghost than I can describe.
I have once again been reminded that it isn't what I thought I should be that matters; it is what The Lord needs me to be. I may not always live up to it and I don't know all that I would like, but I know that He LOVETH His children. Because I know this, I will be what HE wants and needs me to be.

~Sister Na

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